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Helpful Websites

Check 'em Out!

These are a few websites I found inspiring and I would hope you do too! Have fun!

Coloring your Webpage

This is a fabulous site for generating color codes to include in your CSS style sheet. This is where I found my codes for this website and I found it very easy to use and navigate through. Colors...fun!

Inspirational Photoshop

A blog for funny, interesting, and strange photoshop manipulations. While I never became this advanced in my photoshopping, I gained ideas from the skills seen in this blog. Wow!

Adobe Free Trial Downloads

USE THIS WEBSITE! You will need all the free trials you can get when taking this course. It helps eliminate needing to use the computers in the lab for work that can be done on your sofa! Very easy download and lasts for the perfect amount of time!

Graphic Design Principles

A must in this course is being able to design using design principles. Not any type of design or organization will always work. This website provides principles and also help with HTML, CSS, and general graphic designing advice. Thank you this website.